Soil stabilization plants

GT 600 GM 600 Soil stabilization and cold asphalt plants INTRAME produces one model of soil stabilization plant with high production capacity for the construction of highway base courses. They have also been successfully used in the construction of dams by the RCC...

Plants accessories

Asphalt Plant Accessories Asphalt plants Accessories INTRAME has a complete plan of accessories for asphalt plants: - Control systems- Recycling equipments- Bitumen foam and additives equipments- Storage tanks- Heaters and bitumen drum melters- Hot mix storage...

Batch asphalt plants

Batch Asphalt Plants Batch Asphalt Plants In batch asphalt plants, once dried and heated, the aggregates go through a screen to reach a perfect control over their quantities and dimensions. A homogenous mix is produced inside the mixer. Aggregates, bitumen and filler...

Continuous asphalt plants

Continuous asphalt plants Continuous asphalt plants INTRAME Flow-Mix continuous plants are characterized by: 1. Aggregates are dried and heated in a counter flow drying drum. 2. Mixing is produced in a separate synchronized twin shaft paddle mixer. The advantages are:...

Control systems

Control Systems Control Systems:Highly intuitive SCADA type control software. Its reliability and flexibility, as well as the independenceof its standard and commercial platform, transform it into a tool highly appreciated by the end user.Its multi lingual...