Cookies Policy

In compliance with Law 34/2002, of 11 July, on Information Society Services and Electronic Commerce, we inform you that this website, like most websites on the Internet, uses Cookies to improve and optimize the user experience. Below, you will find detailed...

Legal Notice

Legal Notice – General Conditions of Use The present General Conditions regulate the conditions of use of the Website “” (hereinafter, “the Website”), whose holder is “INDUSTRIAL DE TRANSFORMADOS METÁLICOS, S.A. (hereinafter, “INTRAME”),...

M Series: Modular

M 280 M 200 M 120 M Series: Modular INTRAME M modular batch plants are designed in a way that all the main elements are modules with the appropriate dimensions to be easily transported on truck or semi trailer. In addition they can be equipped with legs and load...

UM Series Ultramobile

UM 280 UM 260 UM 200 UM 160 UM 120 UM Series: UltramobileINTRAME UM ultramobile batch plants are designed to produce on the jobsite, thus reducing logistic costs and installation time. They are transported in several mobile units on wheels,always respecting road...

About us

About us Our history Experience Factory We are leaders in the manufacture of asphalt plants. A family business with a professional trajectory supported by the experience of the years. Origens A family history since 1965 Intrame was founded in 1965 and our history...